Do you really believe in that?
It goes like this:
Spirits, trolls, magic, religion, shamans, astrology and ghosts are just nonsense and superstition.
If you believe in such things you have just not understood that.... etc... ha ha ha!
Well... “To believe” has at least two meanings:
One is ”to consider something to be true in a realistic sense.
But ”to believe” can also mean that you experience something that you have filled your mind with.
You can fill your mind with any idea, concept, subject, music, picture...
You can go into an idea to experience it and then you can step out of it again. If you focus strongly on an idea it will sooner or later be experienced as a reality, which then starts to give you more information about itself.
Focus on Buddha and in a year you will know much more about Buddha.
Focus on computers and in a year you will know much more about computers.
If you join Jehova´s Witnesses there is a big chance that you will get an experience of meeting Jesus rather than Buddha.
If you join a UFO-club, within a year you will probably have seen some UFOs, but most likely not any ordinary ghosts.
But you don´t have to believe something so much that you get transformed into it for ever.
Why not believe in something just for a short time to see what it is about?
It is like going into a room and looking at everything from inside. And then you can go out again.
First, something is not reality to you . Then you walk in and it becomes reality. Then you walk out and it ceases to be reality.
An actor knows how to do this. In the first sense he does not believe that he is Caesar, but in the second sense he has to believe it when he is on stage.
When he steps down from the stage he stops believing that he is Caesar and goes back to his normal belief again. All people know this, so I can´t see why so many, in daily speech, seem not to know it.
It must be because we identify ourselves with a certain role in life.
If you work as a carpenter your whole life you know that you ARE a carpenter. That´s what you say: I am... Maybe in your heart you are a carpenter, but maybe not.
If I step out of my normal role in society there is a chance that I no longer know who I am. Or?
Indian gurus usually have told us not to identify with our roles on this life-stage, because then you will be forced to believe something that maybe you do not at all like to believe.
Your mind is free so you can believe anything you want, and you can be what you want on your inner stage.
We have matter, forming the outer, materialistic, dense and proven reality, which we can touch and dissolve into small pieces that we put under a microscope.
In the physical world it is important to know the exact facts of everything – otherwise the things do not function.
The car stops and the chimney falls apart and the house burns down.
We have our inner landscapes, feelings and beliefs and they push us into different directions, thus creating our reality together with the matter that we use.
In the mental world it is important to have the right ideas – otherwise we do not function.
Suddenly you have to stay in bed with a depression.

Men are usually more outgoing, so for them the proven, hard matter is of the biggest importance.
A minor little mistake and the construction doesn't work, which could mean a disaster for the whole family.
So I believe that this is the genetic reason for their over-belief in a reality where “truth” is of an almost psychotic importance. They love to say that things are “not scientifically proved, thus they do not exist”.
Women are usually more introvert, so for them the psyche and the emotional well-being is more important. So she can more easily see and feel the emotional condition of others. If she is not able to check up and answer to the children´s emotions and movements it could mean a disaster for the whole family.
She knows that a good fairy-tale works, even if it is, in an other sense, not true.
I mean, I believe that this has been programmed in our genes during thousands of years, when a clumsy man lost his family and a non-sensitive woman lost her children.
It was a hard life where each one had to be an expert on his own part of the whole and a man had to be non-sensitive to be able to hunt.
A philosophical man is easier focused on the functioning of universe or theories, with scientifically proven facts and formulas, on which he can become an expert, while a woman is easier focused on feelings and our inner reality. Generally.
And men seem to be more interested in having power. Generally!
That must also be a programmed behavior – for thousands of years he had to have power, to be able to defend his land, house and family.
And now this is used to get more and more money.
And women fall into the pattern as well, as everybody is forced to earn money and often to fight for it.
Long ago it was the woman who was the ruler of the home, like a queen in her own space. And the man took care the land around it. She has lost something.
We do not live in the past!
We live in the modern world where a woman can be an expert in both house-building and quantum physics. And a hunter and a soldier.
And a man can take care of children and also be a psychologist or a medium.
And earlier women were slaves to their husbands who could beat them up as much as they wanted!!!
Yes, I know. Individuals are different, one is a beggar and one is a king.
But I mean generally! And I think that men, earlier, were dependent on women. 100 years ago men could usually still not make food, except for frying bacon over a fire.
If you look at millions of people there will be seen differences between men and women, and I would mean that it comes from our genes which have been programmed for a long time. For example that women can not sleep in the night as deeply as men.
A mother is programmed to watch in the night, to look after the children. And before she has got a child maybe she is not aware of this.

Sensitive men existed earlier too. In every village or tribe there was some man who was more inclined to spiritual ideas, feelings and visions than the other hunters. He became the shaman, the expert on the hidden worlds. Especially among people that were hunters. And as we live in a country with a cold climate we probably have a lot of genes from the hunters.
The Indian Vedic scriptures talk about high civilizations of a totally different kind. Both on earth and in different heavens. But they also had warriors, whose duty was to kill enemies, ex Arjuna in BhagavadGita.
So, one answer is:
Yes, I can believe in something that does not exist in our physical reality!
But it has to be “true” in the sense of “corresponding to the basic principles of our inner universe”.
To know more about that one can study C G Jung. He explains things better!
As soon as I start believing in something, it also starts influencing my mind and emotions.
You also do the same if you read novels or play data-games. The only difference is that you depend on someone else having made up the stories or games for you and you have to pay for it.
Why get happy from what the psychiatrist tells you, when you yourself can choose your own stories to believe in? Why not try to give your own orders to the captain of your ship? You are the boss.
When it is about dense matter, engines and things, we can argue about how it is, and if two persons have opposite opinions, mostly one is right and the other one is wrong. This screw should be here or there, either or.
You can not put 220V into the little flash-light just because you prefer to believe so.
When it comes to truth in the other sense of “having it in mind”, to have it as spiritual food, then it is senseless to argue about what is true or not.
It is the effects that counts and the effect can be good or bad. It can make you happy, sad, calm, creative or afraid.

Religion is to “take in” stories and pictures for that purpose.
Anything can exist in your inner world if you just believe in it. Give energy to it!
But be careful! If your mind takes over in some strong experience, then your created fantasy people are there! They will be good to you if you have created them good.
One problem, in discussions, comes when we do not know if it is about fiction or reality. Did the real, physical Jesus say this or that? We cannot know and still we argue about it.
They even make radio-programs where they argue about the truth behind a story that is meant to be subject for belief and contemplation.
Who was Maria in reality? Never mind! Just read Stabat Mater over and over again and you will be filled by the essence of the story.
Everyone has freedom of religion - nobody can know what you focus on, if you do not dress up to show it.
Donald Duck is written as a fictive story, and if we argue about it, we have to stick to the story and to the “spirit of a character”.
We cannot know what Jesus said, but we know what goes well along with the spirit of his character, the essence of the story. So almost anyone can feel what he could have said, even if in reality he did not.
We know what he said even if he did not exist!
If we start arguing about that... well...we miss the point, which is to believe in the story for the purpose of changing our psyche and emotions.
Like icons that open different programs.

To believe in something, is just to believe in it.
It is not always to say that it is a proven fact in physical reality.
Astrology is like psychology. It is about our response to subtle changes in the electromagnetic fields around us and around earth.
The border between reality and fiction can sometimes be a little bit foggy and it is difficult to give a short and good answer in a few seconds, when someone says:
“Hä hä... do you believe in that ?”
I make use of my imagination,
thus I exist.