torsdag 27 augusti 2020

Försvunna bilder

 Jag har städat i mitt Google Album och flyttat bilder. Detta har medfört att alla eller många flyttade bilder automatiskt blev raderade här eftersom bloggprogrammet inte längre kunde hitta dem. Jag testade först litet om det var möjligt att flytta bilder mellan olika album utan att de skulle bli försvinna från bloggarna och jag fick intrycket att det var möjligt.Men det var det alltså inte.

Jag hoppas att jag någon dag kan få tid att återställa bilderna som har försvunnit här.

fredag 29 mars 2019

Ma Nithya Svarupapriyananda

That was her name when she during many years was living in Nithyanandas ashram in India as his main PR-person, producing a lot of good YouTube videos.
But now she has got tired of this ashram-life and she has moved back to Canada and even deleted all her videos from India. This makes many people disappointed, me too, because the videos were very informative and she is very good in expressing her thoughts in a clear way.
Now her name is Sarah and she is back to being ”an ordinary girl” in Canada.
But we would expect her to tell about her experiences, what she liked and what she disagreed with and so on. But she seems to have cut off and some pople wonder why. What has happened?

Spring Cleaning Gone Wild! 
Why I deleted a bunch of old videos.

First I thought I would write a well-composed article here, but I also wrote a comment under her video, and that took so long time that I cannot sit here by the PC any more.
I have been writing the whole day and it is late afternoon and the sun is shining, so I want to get up and move.

It is easier to just copy the comment I wrote:

Sounds as if you compare the life with Nithyanada with "old garbage"...??? But you seem to be that kind of person, who cannot have a new interest without giving 100% to it and then you have to divorce 100% from your earlier point of focus. Like you are married to one spirit at a time. This can probably be seen in your horoscope (if you have ever had a look at it). 

Sounds like a spring cleaning that consists of selling the whole house with everything in it to buy a new one at a new place. If you could afford it you would probably do that. Maybe not every spring but maybe every 7 or 9 years.

All your old films are very good and very interesting. Much more interesting than films about stones (that can be found everywhere). There are also plenty of good films about drawing so that is not too unique (but go ahead anyway - you do it well!), but so good informative films from inside of a big ashram as you did, they are usually not to be found. 

If Nithyananda is the king of his space then you were his ambassador. Mixture between ambassador and journalist. The films from the ashram are a unique and a big piece of important history and they are a huge block of good information and are inspiration for so many people. 
If you only want to detach from your past life in India you could just have made a new channel with your other name. No need to delete good films in the way that you take them away also from other people. After all I suppose you made the films for other people also and not only for yourself. 
You give something good and interesting to millions of people and then you just take it away from them. These videos are part of the rise of Nithyananda.

Now people are wondering what really happened and it gives rise to a lot of speculations about what it might be that you are hiding. Maybe that is a thing that we have to learn about YouTube: if you like a film you have to download it. 

The society that we live in is also a kind of a cult. It is just that it is so big that we believe it to be more real than other minor cults. (OK The word "cult" indicates a worship of a god, but to talk about that would make the comment too long). 

You are a strong personality in yourself and such a person might not in the long run be able to feel free being under someone else that is the big dominant boss. But that is the same thing in our society - you would probably not be happy in an ordinary working place either. Many people are unhappy in those places also and many people are afraid of speaking up about what they see (about lies and corruption) because if they do they get fired and they can even get killed .

Many people are "followers" i.e. they want to have a job and they want to have a boss and they do not want to be totally free because then they do not know what to do. So many people would just feel better in Nithaynanda´s ashram . So it was good that you promoted it.

Maybe also many people need to be in an ashram for a period of life. I think it would be good if all people did that. A school about life and spirit. So I hope that Nithyananda will be able to spread such schools. The only objection to it is that I think that there must also be variations according to different cultures. If the population of the whole globe becomes hindus it would mean that all the different cultures on earth would be deleted. We would have women in orange saris in all countries. (Well, better than black burkas...) but I think that different cultures also are like different beings that have the right to express themselves in their own ways. (I don´t mean "demonic ways". Every culture has the inherent seed for being either high or low).

Even if your filming in the ashram was your personal life you do not have to see it as only personal. Maybe the gods wanted you to make this job for humanity? You can see yourself as a journalist who has done a job! Then there is no reason to delete the fruit of the job. Why identify with it? You did a job and that´s it and now you go to the next one.

(In 2030 maybe you are tired of stones and then you delete all your stone-videos and in 1940 you delete the next thing and 80 years later there are some children who ask: "What did grandmother do in her life?" Answer: "We do not know because she was making videos and she deleted all her videos."

When you went to Nithyananda you were at a certain level (place) in your life. Now you have left this place, but there are millions of other people who today are at this level and they could surely benefit from having access to your videos from the ashram. 
These films could during the years draw even more people to the ashram, people who would otherwise just be imprisoned in ordinary 9-5 jobs. Such a job is also like a cult where you have to obey to a lot of rules, but without spiritual teaching and often also without any valid teaching. 
OK after job you are "allowed to do what you want", but you might be too tired to even think about it. 

I think there has to be spiritually good ashrams and monasteries all over the earth, to give an opportunity to people to have a rest and make a redirection, (or remain there). But it should be possible to join it without having a lot of money. 
It would be for those people who are not yet so clever that they are already filled with life-wisdom and also capable of making a living from their own business on the net. 

Maybe possibe that you do not want other people to identify you with what you did 10 years ago. But if you have two channels with two different names ...??? One is your last job and one is you. 
Maybe you should have an artist name now and let Sarah be the name of just the physical body behind the various dresses and ornaments...? 
When people write their CV they do not delete everything that they no longer do. If there is just an empty space in time then people will think that something is terribly wrong and they suspect the worse. 

I believe that people would like it if you went through some of your earlier statements and more in detail described why you no longer fully agree with what you have said. Otherwise there will be speculations about that too and the rumour will spread and say that what really probably happened was this...bla.bla.....

måndag 26 oktober 2015

Durga och Mahishasura


Demonbröderna Rambh och Karambh sitter på tronen i den undre världen men Karambh dödas av guden Indra i form av en krokodil, medan Rambh av eldguden Agni lovas att få en extremt kraftfull son, som ska härska över de tre världarna i detta universum.

I ett svartsjukedrama om sin fru dödas Rambh av buffeln Mahish.

Rambhs fru, Mahishi ”Buffelkvinnan”, slänger sig på Rambhs kremationsbål. 

Dödsguden Yama hindras från att ta med sig Rambhs själ, som då i stället fastnar i Mahishi.
Ur kremationselden föds två demoner: Raktabeej, som är en återfödelse av Rambh, och Mahishasura, som är Rambhs son.

Av guden Brahma blir Mahishasura lovad att ingen människa ska kunna dräpa honom, varefter Mahishasura samlar en stor armé av demoner.

Mahishasura expanderar sitt rike och blir mer och mer mäktig eftersom ingen kan försvara sig mot honom och till slut härskar han över hela jorden. Men det är inte bara så att han lägger under sig alla riken utan han förstör dem också.och terroriserar alla människor. Alla är rädda för honom, men ingen vet hur man ska göra för att kunna fly från honom. Alla som protesterar blir dödade av honom.

Människorna sänder sina böner till Mahadevi och ber om hjälp och beskydd.

Himmelsguden Indra varnar Mahishasura och befaller honom att gå tillbaka till den plats där han ska vara, men Mahishasura vägrar och striden bryter ut mellan dem. De goda gudarna hejar på Indra medan demonerna hejar på Mahishasura.

Men den himmelska armén misslyckas eftersom Mahishasura är för stark för dem, så Mahishasura vinner kampen och ockuperar deras himmelriken.

Nu samlar sig alla de goda gudarna och de går till Brahma, Vishnu och Shiva och ber om hjälp med att få bort Mahishasura och hans demoner.
Av eld och flammor skapar de en kvinna med ett oändligt antal armar och till henne ger de röda kläder och mängder med olika attribut. Solguden ger henne kraften av 10.000 solar, himmelsguden Indra ger henne blixten och hon får krona, juveler, treudd, diskus, radband, pil och båge, snäcka (ljud), svärd, spjut, sköld, lasso, lotus, stridsyxa, batong osv. Alla dessa vapen representerar också de egenskaper, som behövs i kampen mot demonerna.

När de goda gudarna nu har utrustat henne med allt detta ger Vishnu henne namnet Durga och så ber de henne att hon ska förstöra den onda demonen Mahishasura.
Durga svarar att hon ska ta bort ondskan i många former.

Demonerna Chanda och Munda blir så hänförda av hennes skönhet att de berättar detta för Mahishasura, som då vill ha henne. Han friar till henne, men hon svarar att hon bara kan fås genom kamp och i den kampen lyckas hon att fälla honom och kallas därför Mahishasura Mardini. 

Durga är i dag känd som den som dödade Mahishasura. 
Mahishasuras syster Mahishi tog som sin livsuppgift att hämnas hans död och att bekämpa de himmelska gudarna och speciellt då att döda gudinnan Parvati, som är Durga i form av Katyayini.

Durga kan ha betydelsen av ett ointagligt fort, en fästning, som skyddar alla sina barn mot världens ondska och lidande, och hon ses som universums goda moder.

Skanda Purana nämner Katyayini som den som skapades av gudarnas spontana vrede och som segrade över demonen Mahishasura. Hon avbildas stående på det lejon, som hon hade fått av gudinnan Gauri. Händelsen firas vid den årliga Durga Puja.

Inom tantra och yoga är hon associerad med det sjätte chakrat, Ajna Chakra eller ”det tredje ögat” och hennes välsignelse får man genom att koncentrera sig på den punkten.

I den här världen kan man inte befria den genom att hugga huvudet av någon, men i mytologin så är det symboliskt för att utrota den egenskap, som den dödade figuren representerar.
I vår värld är hennes vapen alla de egenskaper, som hon har fått av gudarna.
För människan är vapnet att i tredje ögat fokusera på henne och hennes egenskaper.

Obs. att fluor gör att tredje ögat fungerar sämre.

Lyssna på

Durga och Mahishasura tycks vara ett populärt tema

Posters, musik och statyetter:

onsdag 22 oktober 2014

Haiku: Carmencita

Hej, vad hon svängde
med sitt hårsvall, den bruden,
och natten var svart.

Blankaste lockar,
ögon svarta som brunnar,
spets över barmen.

Kom, dansa med mig!
Jag har väntat så länge
på en man som du.

Bobby han tappa'
nu både sans och förstånd.
Månsken, flamenco.

Rödvin och frukter
med fantastiska smaker.
Detta är livet!

Mera vill jag ha!
Kom nu hit, lilla tösen!
Häll i mera vin!

Olika sorter?
Bäst att smaka dem alla!
Ställ upp dem i rad!

Här är en extra.
Se llama Angel de Ciel
Puss! Mio hombre!

Kärlek, gitarrspel,
blommor, stjärnor och gudar!
Här vill jag stanna!

Se' sa'ru?
Hick! Jag dansar med angel,
med vingar av guld.

Riken jag skådar!
Vackra gudinnor i mängd!

Häll i...gick i kras!
Marken gungar och svänger,
himlen likaså.

Solen i öster
sänder strålar till Bobby,
naken på stranden.

Allt är nu borta,
både skjortan och västen,
till och med skorna.

Flickan har sålt det
till den närmaste grannen,
som skulle till sta'n.