Every evening when I had gone to bed I was looking at Venus and Jupiter who where together on the sky.
They were right in front of my window and when they were in conjunction they were both forming an interesting aspect to ”my own” Venus (in my horoscope chart).
So I expected to get some new idea that had to do with these energies.
On the day when they were ”as much there as possible” I waited for the new idea the whole day – but nothing happened. I did not look at the positions of the other planets.
But "everybody knows" that astrology does'nt work in that way. A transition of a slow planet, as Jupiter, has to be hit by a fast planet also to make something happen.
What happens does not necessarily have to be in the outer world. Mostly it just happens in the inner world, in our fantasies and emotions.
Some days later I took a walk and I went into a place where a friend had hung one of his paintings. I took a photo of it and saw that before he had painted he had put some thick paste on the canvas.
I got the idea of trying the same thing and I went into the colour shop.
Sussi, who works there, showed me a new kind of paste that I had never seen before.
"This is very good", she said, "and it can go together with both oil and acrylic.
In the evening I tried to use it to build up some structure on the canvas, but I could not make anything good out of it. I finished half of it but the result was just nonsense.
The next day I made something new: I mixed it together with the colour and now I got a very thick colour so I could no longer use my small brushes. But Sussi had sold a big and expensive brush also, saying that it was the best brush she had ever had.
Thick colour and a bigger brush – now I could no longer make those small things that I usually was making.
So instead of making thumb nail flowers, as usually, I made them BIG.
I started with one really big and then they slowly shrinked – but anyway. My old habit tried to take over, but got hindered by the thickness of the colour and the brush.
This was much more fun and now I was painting big flowers every day.
I was not interested in the composition, I only wanted it to be big and colourful.
An eventual composition could wait till another day.
So the energy around me was now dominated with the idea "big and colourful" and it dawned upon my mind that this is exactly the meaning of Jupiter plus Venus.
Jupiter means big (expansion) and Venus means love and beauty.
While painting I listened to the radio and here was a long program about the designer Kenzo.
I looked him up on the net and saw that his creations were just in the same way. They were big and colourful.
In the same time I also bought a big XL bright-red Adidas T-shirt and I painted my finger nails bright-red, something I normally do not do.
Kenzo Takada
Yes, of course!
He has Venus trine Neptune.
Trine means 120 degrees, which is said to "give a strong but good energy" between the two planets. Neptune briefly means fantasy.
He has Jupiter in conjunction with Mercury, which means "big mind".
Here are two of Kenzo´s wild and colourful creations.
And here i found something else that is quite colourful. He has designed a bicycle.
I continued to paint big flowers and when Venus and Jupiter slowly passed away I got my interest in writing back again and I wrote a long story about Anti-Inflammatory Herbs against pains in the body, headache etc.
So... that was about the two shining "stars" that we could see together on the evening sky in the middle of March.
Here they are together with the moon.
Oh... I forgot something:
That photo of me is just a fake!
This is what I look like in reality:
This is what I look like in reality: